Visiting Assistant Professor of Lawyering Skills
Professor Zaragoza comes to Seattle University with extensive practical experience, primarily in appellate practice. She began her career in criminal law, first as a prosecutor for King County, Washington, and later writing public defense appeals brought in Washington state court. Professor Zaragoza also served as a career law clerk for nine years at Division One of the Washington State Court of Appeals, clerking for the Honorable Ronald E. Cox (retired), the Honorable Susan R. Agid (deceased), the Honorable C. Kenneth Grosse (retired), and the Honorable James R. Verellen (retired). Following her time at the court, Professor Zaragoza established a private appellate practice, handling family law appeals. She appeared before all three divisions of the Washington State Court of Appeals and obtained favorable decisions resulting in published opinions. Most recently, Professor Zaragoza served as assistant regional counsel to the Social Security Administration, representing the agency in disability appeals in federal district courts in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, and Montana, and before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Note, Participation Without Representation: The Meaning of the Right to Vote after Presley v. Etowah County Commission, 67 Wash. Law Rev. 1023 (1992).