Access to Justice Institute works closely with student organizations to facilitate pro bono work and community service projects. We provide strategic planning support, troubleshooting assistance, and guidance in identifying community needs and partners to ensure students’ efforts are as impactful as possible.
Note: Student-Initiated Pro Bono Projects require participant training, including ATJI's Pro Bono Prep modules (Professional Responsibility for Legal Volunteers and Intro to Client Communication). See Programs, Events & Trainings for more information.
IMAP is a coalition of law students, attorneys, social service providers, and formerly incarcerated women who seek to change the rights afforded incarcerated and previously incarcerated women in Washington.
Through a partnership with SYLAW-SU, the King County Juvenile Detention Center, and local youth shelters, ATJI oversees the Youth Education & Advocacy Project (YEAP), where law students present a know-your-legal-rights series both for the girls in the King County Juvenile Detention Center as well as for youth and staff at homeless youth shelters in the local area.
Access to Justice Institute
901 12th Avenue
Sullivan Hall Suite 313
Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Phone: 206-398-4173
Fax: 206-398-4077
Email: atji@seattleu.edu