The library is run on the honor system. Every patron is expected to display professional courtesy to patrons and library personnel and adhere to library policies.
If you have a concern, please contact library personnel at the circulation or reference desks. Please keep in mind that library personnel are not able to monitor the entire library at all times.
In the spirit of maintaining a collegial atmosphere, feel free to point out our policies directly to classmates or other patrons who are not adhering to them.
In addition to policies specific to the Library, we ask that students and visitors also adhere to the policies of the Student Handbook (PDF) and Seattle University as a whole.
Please checkout all material before removing it from the library and refer to our borrowing guidelines for more specific information on loan periods, overdue notices, and fines/replacement charges. Handle materials with care.
Carrels are available throughout the library. Exclusive possession of a carrel is not allowed except for the SJD scholars. SJD scholars should use this form for carrel reservation information. During exam periods, carrels are for law student use only.
Turn off cell phone ringers upon entering the library and take all cell phone conversations outside the library. Do not hold cell phone conversations in the stairwells as voices carry.
The Law Library subscribes to many specialized legal databases. In addition, Lemieux Library subscribes to many non-legal databases. Contact the reference desk or your library liaison for help using our databases.
Use of Law Library databases may be subject to restrictions. Information on access restrictions is available through the databases page, linked below. For further information, contact the reference desk.
The primary purpose of the library study rooms is law student group study, not classroom use. The library will make exceptions for faculty who occasionally need space for breakout or simulation sessions that are student focused. Faculty should first pursue alternative space within the law school by contacting Arliss Doss, 206-398-4411, or the Center for Professional Development Office Manager at 206-398-4105.
The policy above attempts to strike a balance between the need for classroom breakout/simulation space and student group study space. Contact the library circulation staff at lawcirc@seattleu.edu with questions or concerns about reserving library study rooms.
In accordance with HB 2513, Seattle University Law Library will no longer be collecting overdue fines. If you have an item that has been lost or stolen, you will still be responsible for replacement charges. For lost or stolen items, please reach out to lawcirc@seattleu.edu. For Summit/Interlibrary Loan materials, replacement fees are subject to the policies of the owning library. If a library item checked out to you is stolen, the Law Library will determine the appropriate course of action.
Checkout receipts, return receipts, and overdue notices are sent to your SU email. If you have a question about a notice you receive, please contact lawcirc@seattleu.edu.
Beverages in closed containers are allowed in the library; food that is messy, smelly, or noisy is prohibited. Use of tobacco products is prohibited in the library.
There are several group study rooms in the library. These rooms are available for law school student use only. There is a two hour time limit per group per day. Click on "Reserve a Study" Room below to make an online reservation. Rooms are not intended for recurring classroom instruction. Faculty should contact the Registrar to make other arrangements. Please contact the circulation desk at 206-398-4221 for additional information.
Internet access is available to faculty, staff and current students. Questions about laptops, network information, printing, and email accounts should be directed to the technology staff.
Bloomberg Law, Lexis and Westlaw are available to law students, faculty and staff through the library's educational contracts with the companies. Review the user agreements with each system for additional information.
Bloomberg Law, Lexis and Westlaw require registration and passwords. Students receive registration information during orientation or from the reference desk during the year. Faculty and staff can obtain passwords from lawreference@seattleu.edu.
Bloomberg Law, Lexis and Westlaw instruction for students is initially provided during their first year; advanced and refresher courses for all students are scheduled throughout the year. For training, ask at the reference desk or contact the vendor representatives:
Be courteous and keep noise levels down, including in the study rooms. The 4th floor is designated as a quiet floor.
Staplers, a three-hole punch, scissors, tape, paper clips, and a heavy-duty stapler are available across from the DDC. Other office supplies are available for purchase from the bookstore.
Library telephones are for library business only. Library staff will not accept incoming calls for library patrons. See also Cell Phones.
The library does not have an in-house copy center; patrons are responsible for their own scanning and photocopying. The library has one self-service scanner/copy machine located in Document Delivery Center on the 2nd floor. Ask for the code at the Circulation Desk. Cost for photocopies is $0.10 per side. Pay by cash or check (made out to Seattle University) at the Circulation Desk.
There is no charge for patrons scanning to email, but there is a limit of 20 pages per attachment. Longer documents must be scanned and sent in multiple attachments.
Contact the circulation staff if you encounter any problems with the copy machine. Circulation staff can add paper and fix minor paper jams but cannot repair the machine. Staff will place a service call if required.
Commercial photography and filming are not allowed in Sullivan Hall without the express permission of the administration. Requests should be directed to:
Confidentiality and Privacy of data are addressed in:
Please place your recyclable products in the recycling bins dispersed throughout the library.
Please see our Student Employment Opportunities guide for any open job postings at the Law Library.
Theft can be a problem in any building. Please do not leave personal belongings unattended. The Law Library has laptop security devices on carrels and study tables.
Circulation Desk
Reference Desk