Reciprocity policy for students and alumni

The Center for Professional Development (CPD) at Seattle University School of Law (SU Law) allows reciprocal services to students and graduates of ABA-accredited/NALP member law schools who extend similar services to our students and alumni. Reciprocity is granted on a one-for-one basis, except in the case of students and alumni from NW Consortium schools. CPD reserves the right to make adjustments if the requesting school has a more restrictive policy than ours. For schools outside of the NW Consortium, reciprocity may be denied if there is a lack of mutual interest by our students or if reciprocity requests from a particular school (or schools) becomes excessive.

Reciprocity requests:

Students/Alumni from NW Consortium Schools (Arizona State University; Brigham Young University; Gonzaga University; Lewis & Clark; Seattle University; University of Idaho; University of Oregon; University of Utah; University of Washington; and Willamette University):

  1. Students or graduates from NW Consortium law schools may submit reciprocity requests in writing directly to CPD. The primary contact at the student or graduate’s home law school should be copied.
  2. Requests should be addressed to CPD Program Coordinator Lauren Carlos at, using the language provided on the NW Consortium webpage.
  3. The email should include the full name, school email address, and date of graduation for the law student or graduate and state the date when reciprocity should begin.
  4. Students from NW Consortium law schools receive automatic reciprocity approval with no restrictions; blackout periods do not apply
  5. There is no limit placed on the number of law students or graduates who can request reciprocity from another Consortium school.
  6. Extensions are available for students and alumni from other NW Consortium law schools; requests must be made in writing and sent to

Students/alumni from non-NW Consortium schools (reciprocity blackout dates for non-consortium schools: January 1-March 1 | July 15-September 15):

  1. All requests for reciprocity must be submitted in writing from the career office of the requesting student or graduate’s law school.
  2. Requests should be sent to, and be addressed to CPD Program Coordinator Lauren Carlos.
  3. Requests submitted directly by students or graduates will not be accepted.
  4. The email should certify that reciprocity is being requested for a law student (2L/3L/4L/LL.M.) or graduate of the requesting law school.
  5. The email should include the name, school email address, and date of graduation for the student or graduate, and state the date when reciprocity should begin.
  6. A copy of the school’s reciprocity policy should be attached to the request.
  7. Renewals or extensions are not available, but individuals may submit new requests.

Reciprocity includes:

  1. If a reciprocity request is granted, the student or graduate and a contact at their law school will receive email confirmation from Seattle University School of Law, Center for Professional Development (CPD).
  2. Reciprocity grants access to online job postings in Symplicity, along with a limited number of career advising resources in the Symplicity Resources/Document Library.
  3. The student or graduate is responsible for contacting CPD at to request activation of their account.
  4. When responding to job announcements found in the SU Law Symplicity system, applicants are required to state in their letters to employers where they found the opportunity.

Reciprocity limitations:

  1. Reciprocity requests are for a period of 3 months.
  2. Reciprocity will be considered/granted on a case-by-case basis, and CPD may restrict or revoke reciprocity privileges at any time.
  3. Access to Symplicity job postings is granted for student or graduate and the email specified in the request and should not be shared.
  4. The following services are not available under reciprocity:
    • Career advising, document review, resume collection, or on-campus interviewing.
    • Username and password access to websites to which Seattle U Law subscribes.

Seattle U Law students and alumni requesting reciprocity at other law schools:

  1. To get started: Review reciprocity policies of law schools in the geographic area where you are seeking career opportunities to identify the school where you wish to be granted reciprocity. Policies can be found on the NALP website, the NW Consortium website, and on individual law school websites.
  2. To request reciprocity from a NW Consortium school: Email the contact for the school where you wish to request reciprocity, using your SU email, and provide your name and class year. In the body of the email state that you have copied Lauren Carlos, Program Coordinator, and copy CPD using the general email address, Reciprocity contact information for each NW Consortium school is available on the NW Consortium Reciprocity webpage.
  3. To request reciprocity from law schools outside of the NW Consortium: Email Lauren Carlos, Program Coordinator, at Include your name, contact information, graduation year, and names of the top 3 law schools from which you would like to receive reciprocity, in rank order. Please also include the name and email address of the reciprocity contact person for each school.
  4. CPD will send a reciprocity request to your first-choice school on your behalf. If that request is denied, we will submit a request to your second choice. If that request is denied, we will submit a request to your third choice.
  5. You may receive reciprocity from only one school at a time.

Contact CPD

Center for Professional Development
Sullivan Hall, Suite 200
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090