We believe effective legal writing forms the foundation of a successful legal career. Our nationally-recognized program will teach you the legal writing and analysis skills that you will use on a regular basis as a practicing attorney.

Innovative teaching

  • We prepare students for "the real world" by focusing on the process that lawyers use to research and analyze legal issues and applying that process in simulated legal scenarios.
  • Carefully sequenced assignments over the course of three semesters allow students to practice and master critical research and writing skills while new concepts are introduced to build on previous lessons.
  • Students have multiple opportunities to practice the skills that they learn, and assignments become increasingly complex throughout the program.
  • Readings and exercises are coordinated so you apply your legal writing training to your clinics and externships later in law school.

Individual feedback and assessment

  • Professors deliver extensive feedback on assignments and work closely with students, both in class and individually, to help them analyze and revise their own work.
  • Students have the opportunity to apply that feedback to revise drafts to create even better final products.
  • Unlike the majority of law school classes in the first year, legal writing classes are not subject to a grade curve. Instead, assignment grades are based on grading standards used consistently throughout the program.
  • The grading standards track the curriculum and are written to describe the qualities that most often differentiate excellent, good, fair, and poor writing in the eyes of legal readers (attorneys and judges).

Expert faculty and a legacy of excellence

  • Our professors, the program’s cornerstone, are excellent teachers who continually work to make classes interesting, engaging, and relevant to today's practice of law.
  • Our professors all have significant practice experience, which informs their instruction of lawyering skills.
  • Not only do our professors work with students one-on-one, but we employ a writing advisor to provide additional assistance if needed.

Contact us

Kathryn Boling

Lori Lamb
Sr. Administrative Assistant