Guest speakers can make arrangements through Event Administration to have a laptop provided or to obtain assistance with using their own laptop for presentations.
Law School laptops (available for guest speakers and/or issued to law faculty) are Windows-based and will have Internet Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, Windows Media Player, QuickTime, and VLC Player installed. Classroom podiums come equipped with all the cables needed to interface with these laptops.
Due to the variety of emerging technologies, SU can no longer guarantee that we have the right adapter in stock for every device. The success of your presentation may depend on you bringing the correct adapter with you. Some adapters may be available for delivery with advance notice to the event coordinator.
Classroom podiums come equipped with a VGA connection, a 3.5mm (1/8") audio jack, and an Ethernet cable that you can use to connect a laptop or tablet to the system. All classrooms in Sullivan Hall have mini-display and HDMI adapters secured to the podiums that will allow those ports to connect to the VGA cables. If your device does not have a VGA, mini-display, or HDMI port, you will need to bring a compatible adapter with you. (Ask an electronics store if you would like assistance in finding the correct adapter for your exact make and model of device.)
Guests who do not have an Ethernet port on your device and wish to display content from the internet will either need an adapter or to ask that a guest wireless account be set up ahead of time.
Sullivan Hall Room 311D
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000