To schedule setup assistance, fill out our Setup Assistance Request Form.
Feel free to schedule Media Services staff to come to your classroom to help you set up any audio-visual need you have. While we don't have the resources to attend every class throughout the semester, we are more than happy to help you learn how to use existing equipment the first few times you need it.
Please see details about using laptops for presentations.
Though the majority of our classrooms are equipped with fixed podium and wireless clip-on microphones, special events (like panel discussions and mock trials) may require additional equipment. Several rooms have additional microphone connections. We can set up the following:
For a list of which classrooms have pre-installed microphones, see the Classroom Technology page.
There are no DVD players in our classrooms, so you will need to use a laptop with a disc drive to show a DVD. If you do not have one already, you can fill out a Recording/Request Form to request one be set up for you (faculty with school-issued laptops are required to use their own).
Seattle University no longer offers support for VHS tapes. VHS tapes will need to be digitized by a private service if the material on them needs to be shown.
Regular faculty and directors are required to use their school-issued laptops in classrooms. Individuals using their own devices will need to provide their own VGA adapters. Laptops are only available for classroom setup for visiting guest speakers and symposium/conference presentations.
A portable Sound System can be set up on the court level or in the outside courtyard. These setups require advance notice via the Recording/Request Form.
Other types of equipment may be available for use. To see a list of what is available for a checkout reservation, visit our Equipment Checkout page.
Sullivan Hall Room 311D
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000