Media Services can record special events, guest speakers, faculty promotion review, exam review, and make-up classes (scheduled outside normally scheduled class periods) for later online access. This is ideal for making recordings of live events available to evening and daytime students who are otherwise unable to attend in person. However, recording services are not available to individual students who are unable to attend regularly scheduled classes.
To request a recording, submit a Recording Request Form.
NOTE: Recording Request Forms must be submitted at least one week in advance and come directly from faculty and/or their administrative assistants, Event Administration, or Student Life.
All recorded speakers who are not employees of Seattle University must sign a standardized Talent Release Form (PDF) before their recordings. This is the responsibility of the event organizers. Forms can be returned to Media Services in SLLH 311d.
Once an event is recorded, it can be posted to a media library created specifically for your course or department. Some media libraries will require a login that is limited to the law school community.
NOTE: Recordings (and media libraries) may take two full business days to create and publish before they can be viewed online.
See the Multimedia page for a complete list of departmental multimedia libraries.
Sullivan Hall Room 311D
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000