Enrolling in a joint degree program may impact your scholarship or financial aid.
Students must earn a "B" or better in any graduate course in order for it to count as crossover course.
You must have completed both degrees in order to receive either one. You may not sit for the Washington State Bar until your law degree is posted.
Complete list of all approved crossover courses for all programs.
Joint Degree students in the bottom third of their class are still held to the same standard as all students in the bottom third. Please see the requirements below.
During their 2L YEAR, identified full-time students must take:
Trusts, Estates, and Enhanced Analytic Skills (4 credits) This course is offered in the Fall Semester only. Joint degree students taking law classes in the fall semester after their 1L year are required to take this course but may petition to defer.
Evidence (4 credits) This course must be taken in any semester before the start of the student's final year.
Professional Responsibility (3 credits) This course must be taken in any semester before the start of the student's final year.
During their FINAL YEAR, identified full-time students must take:
Bar Exam Skills and Strategies (2 credits)
Remedies (3 credits)
At any time PRIOR TO GRADUATION identified full-time students must take:
Business Entities (3-4 credits)
TWO additional courses from a list of foundational/bar-tested courses designated by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in consultation with the ARC Team. 2018-19 courses include: Civil Procedure II, Constitutional Law II, Criminal Procedure (Investigative or Adjudicative), Real Estate Transactions, UCC Sales, and UCC Secured Transactions.
Prior to completing 60 LAW CREDITS, identified part-time students must take:
Trusts, Estates, and Enhanced Analytic Skills (4 credits) This course is offered in the Fall Semester only.
Evidence (4 credits) This course must be taken in any semester before the start of the student's final year.
Professional Responsibility (3 credits) Same rule as Evidence - must be taken before final year. Evening sections planned for each semester.
Prior to completing 78 LAW CREDITS, identified part-time students must take:
Bar Exam Skills and Strategies (2 credits)
Remedies 3 credits);
At any time PRIOR TO GRADUATION identified part-time students must take:
Business Entities (3 or 4 credits)
TWO additional courses from a list of foundational/bar-tested courses designated by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in consultation with the ARC Team. 2018-19 courses include: Civil Procedure II, Constitutional Law II, Criminal Procedure (Investigative or Adjudicative), Real Estate Transactions, UCC Sales, and UCC Secured Transactions.
Phone: 206-398-4150
Email: lawreg@seattleu.edu
Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Hours are subject to change during exams, holidays, and summer session. Changes will be posted outside of the entrance to the Administrative Offices.
A drop box is located to the left of the Administrative Office doors for after-hours correspondence.